About Us


People have been able to do various philanthropic works through unity for ages. USHA Women’s Development Organization is a women’s rights, non-political, non-profit, social voluntary and social and women’s welfare organization. The organization has started on July 3, 2013 with the full support of Shahana Akhtar Shilla , for women’s rights, empowerment, equal rights and opportunities, especially for disadvantaged individuals or groups, improving the quality of life of women, poverty alleviation, self-reliance, society and the country. In 2015, it received the registration certificate under the Department of Women’s Affairs for the promotion of social work. The organization has been conducting women and children development activities for nine years. Among the works, women and children health service projects, IGA training, legal assistance, women and children development assistance, cultural and contract-based development projects have been implemented.
USHA is a social development organization of Bangladesh started in 2013. It aims to promote to awareness raising & sustainable development through Rights based approach. USHA implementing various development programs as per the community needs. The organization is always giving emphasis to establish human rights especially for vulnerable women & children through making them conscious and self-reliant. USHA is very much committed to work with Excellencies, sincerity, transparency and accountability which helped us to gain the recognition from grass root level to the international level.

Goal of USHA

Its aim is to achieve positive changes in the family and society through development and empowerment of women in Bangladesh.


USHA Nari Unnayan Sansgta’s mission is basically women empowerment by various initiatives to improve their lives, reduce the dependencies and contributes in social development.

Goal of USHA

The organization is registered with the following departments of Bangladesh Government

Core Values



At present USHA is working in Chittagong City Corporation . In future, USHA’s development programs will be extended to include the entire coastal and surrounding areas of Bangladesh.


Three bodies govern the activities of USHA i.e. the General Committee (GC), the Executive Committee (EC), and the Advisory Council. The General Council consists of 31 members while the Executive Committee is of 9 members. According to the constitution of USHA the General Council is the supreme authority of the organization. The Executive Committee represents the second line of command for running day-to-day activities. The General Council elects the Executive Committee for a period of 2 years. Generally the Executive Committee members sit with the General Committee members once a year during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is held regularly. The EC meeting is held regularly once a month. The EC members sit with the staff on a quarterly basis. EC determines operations and implementation policies of the organization while monitoring the program activities. The General Secretary prepares the documents on policy, strategic issues, plan and budget in consultation with the staff for submission to the Executive Committee. The EC members finalize and approve the policies and plans.


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