What We Do
Our organization is involved in numerous projects eriam, eaque ipsa proident.

Promoting Women Education through Services & Awareness Program :
Chattogram is a coastal and sea port zone, which is playing a significant economic and development role in Chittagong City of Bangladesh. This is also a natural disaster prone area and people of this area are facing series of natural and environmental catastrophe. Specially Education sector is girl active participation are very poor. USHA identified through early marriage, Eve-teasing, Unawareness of Guardians, Lack of security, Residence problems, religion disparity , poverty etc. cause for not improving female education. Experiences of USHA realize that without supporting to the disadvantaged and Ultra poor students of this proposed project area of coastal zone in various dimensions, it is not possible to transform them in to mainstream of education and development.

Health Campaign Program
USHA had taken the initiative to provide clinical and motivational services on health and family planning to create demand for quality health service and to improve the overall health status of the poorest community people, especially women and children, USHA has organized community institutions such as adolescent groups, mothers circle, child groups, eligible couple groups. USHA organized these groups to enhance leadership capacity among the group members for better participation and sustainability of the program. Community Health Watch Committee (CHWC) is a local level apex Body formed by representatives of all the above-mentioned groups. Health Watch Committee is involved at the stage of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the program to ensure the community participation. Goal: Effective community managed sustainable health service reachable to all sections of peoples focusing of poor women and children in selected rural communities to attain improved health situation especially mother and child health and reduce premature death.
Project Goal :
Providing Education support of disadvantaged slum woman & girl and their family in Chattogram City Corporation with promoting services & awareness activities.
Number and Type of Beneficiaries :
- Direct 50 disadvantage & Ultra Poor Girl Student
- Indirect : 1000 ( Family Members, School Teacher, Elite Person, Community Rich man and Corporate Sector Community )
Activities :
- Provide maternal child health services, including ante and postnatal clinics, safe delivery services, immunization services and child growth monitoring.
- Provide family planning advice and services to eligible couple.
- Provide medicinal services for common illnesses.
- Develop community groups for awareness raising discussion, like women’s, adolescent and children’s groups.
- Facilitate awareness rising sessions on health related subject such as family planning, nutrition, safe delivery and care in pregnancy.
- Facilitate awareness rising sessions on hygiene related subjects such as use of hygiene latrines, personal hygiene, safe water use, etc.
- Form community led monitoring groups to monitor behavioral change.
- Facilitate awareness rising sessions on STD and HIV/AIDS and promote condom use particularly in high-risk areas garments factory.
- Promoting awareness raising for couple sothat mother should be delivery in clinic or with safeguard assistant midwife.
- Provide training on Midwife / safe delivery process. o Campaign program for EPI & Mother Vaccine

Project Goal
Achieving the sustainable end of hunger means creating a new future for all Humanity
- Empower rural women by providing skill development training and awareness-building activities.
- Reduce gender discrimination through development of women leadership
- Reduce child labor through creating alternative income sources for the families of poor children
- To assists grassroots entrepreneurs through increasing the demand & Quality of their product.
Overwhelming in the new arena of development human being is trying to find its natural environment back through its environmental endeavors. Due to heavy population pressure of Bangladesh only 6% of the area is now covered by trees and even that number is now decreasing due to lack of knowledge and ignorance of the commu nity people. Trees provide us fruit, fuel, wood, livestock, building materials, shade, soil fertility, oxygen for breathe. USHA undertaken the scheme for tree plantation for expansion of economic opportunities of its targeted beneficiaries addressing climate adaptation and mitigation through development and utilization of the traditional fruit trees, wood trees, along with indigenous medicinal plant focusing on improving livelihoods of climate refugees developing networks, lobbying linkage with Govt. and non –govt. agencies. A Green Economy in Bangladesh could provide society, business community and policy makers forest department the room to provide innovate and progress-oriented ideas that may help to provide the basis of a more developed green economy for the future generation. The impact of the human activities cause the temperature to rise more rapidly than usual, leading to global warming. Keeping this consequence in mind, all of us have no choice but to ‘rediscovered’ the potential of plants and trees and their significance. Yearly around 1000 trees planted by this organization with several upazillas and districts of Bangladesh.. 500 trees the landscape of rural community may be turned green for the benefit of the vulnerable people. Saplings have been distributed among several people, religious and educational institutions.